Author Archives: Higherimages

Shul blog hacked!

The term “hacking” may be new to you unless you’re a computer geek.  Hacking is the name to given to breaking into someone’s website by using malicious software.  The hacker may just be trying to show how skilled he is at breaking through someone’s passwords or firewalls.  But sometimes he means to do real harm to the website owner.  We can’t be sure what motivated the hacker who trashed the shul website, this blog, on December 26.  It is a lesson for all of us that computers are not completely fool proof and whenever you put something “out there” in cyberspace, it is vulnerable to attack.

My first hint that something was wrong actually came on December 26 when I started to get junk mail from our blog.  Since I have software on the blog that filters filters out junk, I knew that something had stopped working.  But it didn’t seem serious.  I had family matters to attend to last week and decided I would look at it on the weekend.  However, on Shabbos morning at shul, Joel informed me that the shul blog was “down”.  This elevated my concern, and I began an investigation right after we finished Kiddush.  Little did I know that I would be spending the rest of the day, New Year’s Eve, performing website maintenance. Continue reading


Filed under News

Carnegie Rabbis

Rabbi Rudolphe Weiss

When this conversation started, I thought it would a simple one. But it has yielded some very interesting comments and I realized I should have posted it here on the blog so that everyone could see and comment.

This dialogue started with a request from Lynn Donovan asking who were the rabbis when she was a member here between 1958 to 1965. Since my source of historical data, Stan Roth, is no longer with us I sent out an email asking for information. Let me post the responses here and you all can continue the conversation directly.

From Brenda Miller I received the following:
“my husband Larry (Izzy Miller Furniture) and I were married in 1960. Rabbi Rudolph Weiss was the Rabbi who officiated and was the rabbi until 1965. He may have been here longer than that but I do know after he went elsewhere we interviewed a number of rabbi’s, but I don’t remember any being hired. I started teaching Sunday School around 1966 and the only person I recall taking charge was Stan Roth.Hope this helps. I was the one who went to the rabbi’s from Beth El and Temple Emanuel to see if we could start sending our children to one of their Religious school’s. We were taken in by Temple Emanuel, they gave membership to the families who had children in religious school. Some of the families joined on their own after their children were Confirmed. During the High Holidays we hired student rabbi’s to conduct services.”

From Roger Wilk,
“I believe the Rabbi at the time you refer to was Rabbi Rudolph Weiss. I will try and find a document that states that, but since I lived there at that time and Morris was President until 1963 I believe I am correct.”

From Morry Miller,
“Rabbi Rudolph Weiss was a holocost survivor and bore a numbered arm tatoo. Prior to Rabbi Weiss was Rabbi Helfgot. My brother Larry and I had our Bar Mitzvah in the Shule in December of 1949. The Party was held in the downstairs social hall.”

Lynn adds a follow-up question,
“Do you know why Rabbi Weiss left and where he went?

The photo of Rabbi Weiss is from the Shul’s 1953 Jubilee book. At some point I will scan in the entire book and post a link.

In the meantime, please feel free to add your answers/questions/comments below.


Filed under History

Penny Postcard

Thanks to Harris Tisherman for sending the link to this old postcard of Carnegie.  I studied the picture but still haven’t identified exactly what intersection I’m looking at.  The hill in the far distance should be a clue, as should some of the taller brick buildings.  Any help?


Filed under Uncategorized

Mosque Mishegas

It’s been quite a while since I’ve written anything— I’ve been busy!  Debbie made an unexpected visit to the hospital for most of a week.  That, plus her recovery, set us back a bit.  But, the folks at St. Clair were very good to her and she has fully recovered.  Thanks to all of you who sent well wishes.  And my business has picked up after a couple pitiful years.  I’m actually making a living now; hope it lasts!  And finally, I’ve been immersed in all this furor over the fact that Muslims are going to be praying in Carnegie, heaven forbid.  I’ve seen my name in the paper more times in the past two weeks than in the past 20 years.  Today, I got a phone call from New York City.  Yeh, the story is getting around.

former church; future mosque

So, what’s all the fuss about?  Well, last year the Muslim congregation called Attawheed Islamic Center contacted our borough manager and said they were looking to buy a building in Carnegie.  For 10 years they’ve been renting a space on Banksville Road, and now they’ve outgrown it.  As it turned out, the building they had originally picked in Carnegie was not really appropriate for a worship site.  Consequently, they decided that it wouldn’t be worth the trouble and expense of trying to make it fit.  But they really liked Carnegie.  They like Carnegie for the same reasons we all like Carnegie.  It’s easy to get to (their congregation is spread all over the place, just like ours), convenient to the city, and has a nice Main Street business district.  So, they kept looking in Carnegie for the right building.  And they found it— the former First Presbyterian Church at the corner of Washington and Main.

As a member of Borough Council and president of the Carnegie Shul, I was placed square in the middle of this.  What position would I take?  But as controversial as it may sound, there wasn’t any conflict for me and there wasn’t any controversy within Council.  Rightly so.  The Muslim congregation submitted an application for use of the building, which is required for anyone who buys a building in the commercial district.  The application was reviewed by the Planning Commission and they found no fault with the proposal.  Our Code Enforcement Officer reviewed the application and found no fault with it.  I’m sorry, but it’s a “no brainer”.  A religious group buys an old church and wants to use it for worship services and Sunday school.  We could have scrubbed through that application for the the rest of our lives and not found fault with it.  But perhaps more to the point, Council wasn’t looking to invent a reason to shoot it down.  We view this development in a positive light.  For decades people have been bailing out on Carnegie, and now there’s a congregation that wants to come to Carnegie because they think Carnegie is a nice town.  Council welcomes them and I welcome them.  Carnegie is undergoing a bit of a resurgence right now and this development is part of that renewal.  It’s all good.

During this whole controversy, I must say that Police Chief Harbin has been on the right side.  As a fellow Marine, he is not only my colleague in the borough building, but a good friend.  His support of the Carnegie Shul has been steadfast for as long as I’ve known him, and I trust him completely.  His number one mission is the safety of our citizens.  He was on the scene when Baumhammers went on his shooting spree and he is well aware of what dangers lie in our community.  He knows that during the past 15 years the FBI has doubled its presence in Western PA.  Because of Muslims?  No, because of the significant increase in Neo-Nazi and Klan activities in our region.  With his hyper-vigilant demeanor, I am quite certain that he would have alerted me if he was concerned about Muslims moving into a church near the shul.  On the contrary, he has always assured me that this new mosque is no security threat.  So to the resident who spoke at the last council meeting and questioned the patriotism of council members and the Chief, I say, “go crawl back under the rock from whence you came.”  There is no one in Carnegie who is more concerned about our wellbeing than the Chief.

Last week an acquaintance suggested that I should vote for what’s best for my congregation, not what’s best for Carnegie.  I could write an encyclopedia on what’s wrong with that suggestion, but the short answer is that I have never observed a conflict between being a good Jew and being an good American.  Jews have been abused in just about every country in the world, but in America we’ve had a pretty good life.  It’s not an accident or fate; it’s not just a coincidence.  It’s America’s liberal attitude about religion that is enshrined in the Constitution.  The strength of that document, and the conviction of those who would die to defend it, is what has made America a good place for all of us to live.  Two times in my life I have formally sworn a solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution.  I will not waiver from that pledge, and I won’t apologize to bigots and racists.

I’ll leave you with the words of President George Washington.  During the early years of our republic, President Washington wanted to reassure the minority Jewish communities that they were safe in America— that our rights to worship as we please would be safeguarded in our Constitution.  He wrote the following to the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, RI.  “The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for giving to Mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights. For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection, should demean themselves as good citizens”.

God bless America.

Trib Story- June 11
Trib Story- June 14
Trib Story- June 25
PG Story- June 14
PG Story- June 16
Signal Item- June 23

(note particularly the bigoted and moronic comments by readers of the Signal Item)


Filed under News

Postscript on the Main Hotel

The first bites are taken out of The Main as Sgt. Kennedy monitors the situation from Chestnut St.

Last month, with some melancholy, I reported on the imminent demise of The Main Hotel.  Like a neighbor who has been sitting next to a death bed, I can say now that The Main is gone.  It is no more.  And like the amputee who still feels those missing toes, I will still look over to that empty space and see The Main sitting there as it did for 107 years.  Carol Brown at the PG caught notice of my blog and included it in her story about The Main.

I view the destruction of The Main as a collective community failure.  Many old buildings, if structurally sound, are renovated and repurposed.  Certainly it was feasible to save The Main.  But the community will was absent.  The community didn’t view it as something to be saved.  We have a strong sense of private property in America, and that leads us to believe that people can do with their property whatever they please.  Sometimes those private property rights will conflict with the community interests and this is always controversial subject.  Certainly this was the case when the UP church on Washington Ave was purchased and converted into a nightclub.  Likewise, the purchaser of The Main had the right to renovate the building, sell it, raze it, or do nothing at all with it.  And he exercised that right.  And now a community landmark is gone.

My concern over the loss of The Main isn’t just foolish sentimentality.  Our local leaders (including myself) are marketing our borough to potential businesses and residents all over the county.  And a main feature of that marketing effort is emphasizing our “small town” atmosphere and our quaint, old-time feel.  In an article about our Thomas Espy Civil War Veterans Post, the Washington Post said of our town, “Its picture-perfect Main Street looks as though it has been lifted from a model railroad”.

We think they are right and we think that people will come to Carnegie for that.  However, my point is that last week we lost a building from the model railroad set.  What will be next?  The old Post Office, maybe?  If I’m not mistaken, every building on Main Street is privately owned except for Husler Hall, the home of the Carnegie Historical Society.  So, really, what is the future of our model railroad set?  I’d be interested in your thoughts.

More pictures can be found here; click


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