On this beautiful Spring Sunday morning, I was honored to attend the unveiling of the matzeivos (gravestones) for Stan and Lynn Roth. It was nice to see Terry and Richard, Stan’s sister Roselle, and the rest of the family who gathered at Beth Shalom Cemetery. Afterwards, there was a good opportunity for catching up on family news and other events of the day. The opportunity was not lost and I enjoyed conversation with Barry Roth about shul business and with Jim Gormley (Terry’s husband) about work and politics. But the moment was quickly passed and by 1:30 Debbie and I were back home looking at unfinished yardwork.
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Yesterday I did a total makeover of the shul website. It is now based on blogging software rather than webpage software. What’s the difference? Blogging is more dynamic; for example, I’m sitting right now on my front porch typing this message into my phone. This means I can provide you more real-time news about what’s going on at shul. Of course, the new site isn’t complete yet. I have to put all the yahrzeit information back on the site. And once I have this fully operational, you will be able to subscribe to it so that shul news automatically arrives in your email inbox. More to come!
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