About 5 years ago (maybe it was longer?) we made some cosmetic improvements to the social hall: new flooring, drywall, paint, etc. But we didn’t finish it. This meant that while the social hall was brighter and much more inviting, it still wasn’t in a condition that we could rent it out for social events. An attractive and functional social hall would not only be a valuable benefit to our members, but also be a source of revenue for the shul. Last week at the Annual Meeting, the Board approved the expenditure to finish the job, which includes a new ceiling and lighting, removal of the steam radiators, and trim for the doors and windows. The work began on Tuesday and is well underway. We expect to be done in a couple of weeks. All of this costs money of course, and you expect that I will be asking you to replenish the shul treasury. So be prepared. I have no embarrassment about asking you for money for the shul. Be generous. This is your shul and it shouldn’t be shabby.
click on the photos for a larger view.
Social Hall Renovations
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